Space Planning



Why Space Planning Is Needed?

In space planning, the design professional blocks out interior spatial areas to define circulation patterns and develop plans and layouts for furniture and equipment placement.

Space planning services consider numerous design parameters as follows:
  • Client’s project goals and priorities
  • Client’s organizational structure
  • Space allocation criteria
  • Building codes and access for the disabled
  • Furniture standards
  • Circulation and work flow
  • Design considerations
  • The constraints of fixed building elements and building system interfaces
  • Security and privacy issues
  • Flexibility for accommodating future space needs
3 Key Factors To The Art Of Space Planning
  • Creating the desired image and ambiance
  • Using space efficiently and effectively
  • Accommodating furnishings and other equipment for proper workflows

CIE Interior Design provides space-planning services for all residential and commercial design projects. Whether you are only looking to furnish your bedroom, or re-design your entire kitchen layout, or furnish your office space with new workstations; space planning is a must in order to maximize space usage, scale proportions, and create a harmonious flow. Space- planning through the use of AutoCad help us generate multiple layouts applying creative and critical thinking skills to accomplish the end user’s goal. Upon approved favorite layout, we then perfect it based on your feedback making your vision come to life with our extra sparkle of ingenuity to tie it all together.

CIE Interior Design specializes in kitchen and bath layouts. When designing your new kitchen or bath the very first step is to take field measurements and draft the kitchen or bath floor plan. From that point you will start to consider if re-arranging your layout by moving appliances/plumbing fixtures and plumbing lines around makes sense in order to maximize the use of your square footage. Proper space planning will demonstrate how and where to put your hard earn dollars to good use!