Custom Upholstered Furnishings



When it comes to purchasing furniture, most people feel that they need to settle with their purchases when they aren’t 100% satisfied due to an impulsive purchase just to get it over with. What ends up happening a couple months after living with the furniture, feelings of regret start to develop towards the uncomfortable furnishings that were purchased on a vast decision just to fill up space. As I always say, good design takes time.

The perfect example is a sofa/sectional, with an array of options out there it can become overwhelming on what to select for you and your family’s comfort. Either the sofa is too deep, too frumpy, too dark or light in color, fabric is too stiff, or the length is either too short or too long. The thought of a custom piece can scare people away thinking that the price will sky rocket, however most of the time it ends up costing you just the same as the sofa from your local retailer.

There are other factors to consider when adding extra details to make that custom piece extra special to you. It will cost you a bit more than the local retailer but in the long run it’s an investment that you will be very happy with because it was tailored to your needs of comfort, color and texture selection, and the perfect scale for the size of the room where it will be placed. At CIE Interior Design we design anything from a custom sofa (with throw pillows) down to the smallest wall mounted nightstand. The options are endless; carefully selecting moderate to luxurious fabrics and materials, and hardware finishes to fit your budget.

CIE Interior Design has established good relationships with local furniture workrooms and installers, delivering quality custom upholstered furnishings on time, tailored to your style and comfort.